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Alberto Rosende Weighs in on Violet and Gallo's Future on Chicago Fire

Is a romance possible for them down the line?

By Christopher Rosa
Mikami Gets Emotional About Losing Hawkins | NBC’s Chicago Fire

Violet (Hanako Greensmith) is still reeling from Hawkins' (Jimmy Nicholas) passing on Chicago Fire. One way she's processing is through the support of her friends at 51, particularly Ritter (Daniel Kyri) and Gallo (Alberto Rosende), the latter whom she's also had a romantic relationship with. But ever since Hawkins came into the picture, Gallo and Violet's relationship has been strictly platonic—and, rightfully, that's not changing any time soon. Violet is still very much in the thick of grief over Hawkins, and what she needs now is friends—not romance. And more importantly, she needs her friends to treat her normally—which is something we saw her say to Ritter and Gallo a few episodes back when they were walking on eggshells around her post-Hawkins. 

How to Watch

Watch Chicago Fire Wednesdays at 9/8c on NBC and next day on Peacock

 Rosende reiterated this to NBC Insider when asked about Gallo and Violet's future on Chicago Fire

"I know that after the episode we got with Ritter and Gallo being confronted by Violet, Violet shakes them a little bit and says, 'I need you guys to be normal'—I think we’re gonna see more of that," he says. "...I think we’re gonna see the friendship between us three amigos get a little stronger. Romantically, I don’t think Gallo even has that door open anymore right now because of everything Violet's gone through. Remember, Gallo knew Evan Hawkins, as well. So there's this hole there that wasn’t there before. I think they’re aware of that [loss] and know [healing's] gonna have to continue; it’s a process to work through together. But I think it’s also making us as friends stronger. They’ll continue to be there for each other. For sure." 

Watch Chicago Fire on NBC Wednesdays at 9/8c and next day on Peacock.  

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