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Hear How “Off-the-Charts” AZÁN “Flabbergasted” the Coaches into a Double Steal

AZÁN lost the Battle, but she might still win the war on Season 24 of The Voice.

By Cassidy Ward

“Do It” by Chloe x Halle is an anthem celebrating the importance of friendship, guaranteed to put movement in your hips and a smile on your face. Which made it a striking contrast to the vocal faceoffs on display during the Battles on The Voice Season 24. Coach John Legend chose the song, hoping to see a different kind of onstage performance from Taylor Dennen and AZÁN, both on Team Legend.

How to Watch

Watch The Voice on Mondays and Tuesdays at 8/7c on NBC and next day on Peacock. 

“I wanted them to have something a little more playful than what they did in the Blinds,” Legend said. “It’s not just about hitting the notes, it’s about having the charisma to sell the story of the song. So, that’s what I’m going to be looking for in this Battle.”

Taylor Dennen and AZÁN sing "Do It" by Chloe x Halle on The Voice Season 24 Battles

Azan performs onstage

Once Taylor and AZÁN hit the stage there was charisma aplenty. Despite being in direct competition with one another, AZÁN and Taylor both sold the narrative of the song through their unique voices and stage performances. Together, their voices had the Coaches grooving in their seats and earned a standing ovation from John.

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“That was fantastic. You were performing like you’re on tour. That was incredible with the choreography; your vocals were so good together. Good luck, John. I was very entertained, flabbergasted, y’all’s talent is off the charts,” Reba said, without offering a favorite.

“This is a hell of a Battle. Taylor, I thought you were absolutely brilliant. To be honest, I didn’t hear anything wrong between the two of you. It was phenomenal,” Niall said. “AZÁN, the stage presence you’ve got is spectacular. You grabbed that song today, you made it your own, commanded the crowd. It felt like the real, real, real deal.”

Niall favored AZÁN, but just slightly, noting that Taylor is also a strong contender in the competition. He also noted that his hedging, while honest, was probably not helpful to John who had a big decision ahead of him. Gwen, meanwhile, cited Taylor’s youth — Taylor Dennen is 23 years old at the time of writing — and how impressive it is to have such a powerful voice. Then it came down to John.

“It’s interesting because everyone picked up on AZÁN just being such a really charismatic performer… it feels like you belong up there,” John said. “But Taylor, I felt like you really came through. You came out there and looked confident, you didn’t look like you were intimated, you were like, ‘I’m supposed to be here,’ and your singing was just gorgeous.”

After his final statements, John offered little hesitation in making his decision, settling on Taylor almost as soon as the question was asked. “I loved Taylor and AZÁN’s performance. They had the moves, they had the look, everything was right. But Taylor, as a vocalist, is just stunning,” John said.

Niall and Reba Battle for AZÁN in Double Steal

That, of course, meant AZÁN was available to Steal. She started to thank John for his mentorship but didn’t get a sentence out before someone hit the Steal button. And after the performance she just delivered, it wasn’t much of a surprise that one of the Coaches took the bait. It was a little bit more surprising, but not undeserved, when two Coaches started a Battle of their own to get AZÁN on their team. Niall hit the buzzer first, followed immediately by Reba.

“AZÁN, I always felt that was going to be a tough one for John. I have no one like you on my team, since I’ve been on The Voice, to be honest. I won’t even call you a dark horse; you’re dangerous,” Niall said.

RELATED: Every Winner from The Voice Season 24 Battles

Reba, instead took a two-pronged approach to her pitch, starting casually at first before going for the kill. “AZÁN, I hit my button because I wanted one more chance to tell you how good you are. I was totally taken by your stage presence, your voice, you’ve got the total package to be a superstar,” Reba said.

Whether it was his pitch or the fact that he hit the buzzer half a second earlier, AZÁN chooses Niall and survives to sing another day. “There was no way I was allowing that girl to leave this competition,” Niall said. “It would have been a travesty if a voice that good, stage presence that good, left that competition in the Battles. Not happening on my watch.”

Catch Taylor and AZÁN when they perform in the Knockout round on Season 24 of The Voice Mondays and Tuesdays at 8/7c on NBC and next day on Peacock!