Your American Song Contest Winner Is...
Here is the Artist (and song) who came out on top.

After several weeks of sparkly music competition, the American Song Contest results are in. Fifty-six Artists, each representing a U.S. state, territory, or Washington D.C. with an original song, have officially been narrowed down to one winner (and one track that America has voted as Best Original Song).
Are you ready? Drum roll, please...
What are the American Song Contest results? Who is the American Song Contest winner?
The American Song Contest winner is AleXa! The K-pop Artist from Oklahoma received a substantial amount of America's votes in the Grand Final, catapulting her to first place in the competition. Her winning song is called "Wonderland."
The track is absolutely indicative of what Host Kelly Clarkson told NBC Insider makes a great American song. "A great story, soulfulness, and honesty," she told us in early April. "I think those are the three things. As long as it's honest and it's got some soul to it, and there's all different kinds of soul. It doesn't have to be R&B or gospel; there are all different types of soul out there. And I feel like the story: People want to be a part of that and take the ride with you."
Clarkson said something similar to our friends over at Today. “[Audiences] like the story. They want to go on that ride and that’s what a great song is all about, being a storyteller,” Clarkson said. “Regardless if it’s something fun or sad or intense, whatever the feeling or emotion is, I think [the winning song] is going to be something that really resonates story-wise...This is going to be a very hard contest to win, because there’s a lot of people that deserve to win already."
Congratulations, AleXa!