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How Many Steals Are on The Voice Season 26 Battles?

Each Coach has a certain allotment of Steals during the Battle rounds. How are they going to use them? 

By Christopher Rosa

The Voice Season 26 Battles have officially begun, and Coaches Reba McEntireGwen StefaniSnoop Dogg, and Michael Bublé have some difficult decisions to make. As fans know, this round pits two Artists on the same team against each other; they'll duet a song picked by their Coach, and in the end, the Coach decides who stays and who goes home. 

How to Watch

Watch The Voice on Mondays and Tuesdays at 8/7c on NBC and next day on Peacock. 

But it's not so black and white. Each Coach has two Steals they can use during the Battles. This means that when an Artist is eliminated from one team, the others Coaches have the option of "stealing" them for their own. It's a strategic, dramatic move, especially when multiple Coaches try to steal the same Artist, which happens more often than you think. 

Below, read more about the Steals this season on The Voice, including a breakdown of them all so far. 

How many Steals are on The Voice Season 26 Battles? 

Each Coach has two Steals during The Voice Season 26 Battles. This means after all the eliminations and Steals, the Coaches' respective teams will be whittled down to just nine Artists. 

RELATED: This “Angelic” Artist Got a Rare Battles Triple Steal: “You May Be the Winner"

All the Steals on The Voice Season 26 Battles so far: 

Below, see a comprehensive recap of all the Steals that happened during The Voice Season 26: 

Tanner Frick vs. Tate Renner

Tanner Frick and Tate Renner perform during Season 26 Episode 11 of The Voice.

Song choice: "Need a Favor" 

Who got stolen? Tanner Frick stolen by Team Bublé after Tate Renner won the Battle.

"Tanner Frick is a huge win for me," Bublé said. "That's a 4-Chair Turn, and a piece of the puzzle that I didn't have. I needed that country singer, and now I feel like I'm completely in the game, and my team is assembled."

Cameron Wright vs. Cassidy Lee

Cassidy Lee and Cameron Wright perform during Season 26 Episode 11 of The Voice

Song choice: "Hero"

Winner: Cassidy Lee stolen by Team Reba after Cameron Wright won the Battle.

"Sometimes, when you're singing with a person that has a very active, acrobatic voice, you tend to want to join that run," McEntire said about Lee's Battles performance. "But she didn't, Cassidy stayed right there, did a great job, and held her own. She knew her strengths and stayed in her lane, and that's what I admired about her."

Aliyah Khaylyn vs. Sofronio Vasquez  (Team Bublé) 

Sofronio Vasquez and Aliyah Khaylyn perform together on stage on The Voice Season 26 Episode 10.

Song choice: "The Power of Love"

Who got stolen? After Sofronio Vasquez won the Battle, Aliyah Khaylyn was stolen by Team Snoop. 

"Aliyah, she was able to stand in there with Sofronio, bar for bar, note for note," Snoop said. "She was holding her own, so I felt like she deserved to be with my team, because I can give her exactly what she needs."

Austyns Stancil vs. Jose Luis (Team Gwen) 

Austyns Stancil and Jose Luis sing together on The Voice Season 26 Episode 9

Song choice: "Lay Me Down" 

Who got stolen?: Austyns Stancil scored a rare triple steal after Jose Luis won their Battle. 

“It was such a tough decision, but I had to go with Jose,” Stefani explained.  “His dynamics, his motion. His voice has so much range. I just wanted to see more of what he could do.”

Danny Joseph vs. Deon Jones (Team Reba)

Deon Jones and Danny Joseph sing together on The Voice Season 26 Episode 9

Song choice: "It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World”  

Who got stolen?: Deon Jones was stolen by Team Gwen after Danny Joseph won this Battle. 

“I had to steal Deon, I couldn’t let him go home. It seems like he can do almost anything with his voice. He’s not only just a good singer, but he’s a great performer,” Stefani said.

Frankie Torres vs. Gabrielle Zabosky (Team Gwen)

Gabrielle Zabosky and Frankie Torres perform during Season 26 Episode 8 of The Voice

Song choice: "Never Tear Us Apart"

Who got stolen?: Frankie Torres was nabbed by Team Reba after Gabrielle Zabosky won her Battle. 

"I loved her tone, her stage presence; I just loved her voice, and that’s why I had to use my Steal for Frankie," McEntire said. 

Kiara Vega vs. Mor Ilderton (Team Bublé)

Kiara Vega and Mor Ilderton perform together on stage on The Voice Season 26 Episode 7.

Song choice: "Iris" 

Who got stolen? Mor Ilderton was snatched up by Team Gwen after Kiara Vega won her Battle. 

"I just had to steal Mor," Stefani said. "I just got this feeling like, 'I know what to do with that guy.' My favorite thing about Mor's voice is it just has a unique, raspy, undone tone. When you hear music out there, his voice feels like what's happening now in the world."

RELATED: Jan Dan’s Wife Was in Labor During His Battle on The Voice

Sloane Simon vs. Sydney Sterlace (Team Gwen) 

Sloane Simon and Sydney Sterlace perform together on stage on The Voice Season 26 Episode 7.

Song choice: "Birds of a Feather" 

Who got stolen? Sloane Simon ended up going over to Team Bublé after Sydney Sterlace won this Billie Eilish sing-off.  “Sloane has a great voice, angelic, sweet tone, great pitch, great control,” Bublé said. “People are going to really love her. She’s a pop star in the making.”