Watch Seth Meyers' Adorable 50th Birthday Surprise from His Late Night Coworkers
The Late Night with Seth Meyers team technically pulled off a double surprise, prompting a shocked Meyers to say how happy he was to be with them.
Happy birthday to Seth Meyers, who turned 50 on December 28, 2023! To honor the occasion, his Late Night with Seth Meyers managed to surprise Meyers not once, but twice—and caught his stunned reaction on video.
The key to catching Meyers off guard: Throwing the party a few weeks on December 7, a few weeks before the big day (and the show's holiday hiatus). "Seth Meyers was told he would be attending dinner with his manager and agent after the taping of Corrections," a caption opening Meyers' birthday surprise video reads. "This was a lie."
"Without his knowledge, the staff and crew of Late Night planned a surprise 50th birthday party for Seth in Studio 8G," the caption said, leading into footage of Meyers taping his "Corrections" segment as his coworkers buzzed around backstage in the office, setting up a party.
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When Meyers opened the door to head to his dinner, staff members yelled "SURPRISE!" as Meyers' mouth dropped open in shock. Then he had to read a birthday greeting off a special card from Cue Card Wally, and his team draped a "50" banner around his neck.
Seth Meyers gets a double 50th birthday surprise
But the festivities weren't over yet.
Once Meyers was done celebrating with crew backstage, he walked back into Studio 8G, only to be surprised again. Team Late Night had worked lightning-fast to set up a surprise party complete with giant balloons and food.
"You all could've been at 'Corrections,'" Meyers cracked, looking around at his coworkers.
"I mean, I'm without words," Meyers continued. "I'm so—I genuinely can't believe how surprised I am! Walking around and seeing all of you guys, I also want to say it's very special to be with you all." Applause for the birthday boy continued as Meyers thanked them, hugged coworkers and sipped his "Corrections" Negroni.
Late Night's had some fun with Seth Meyers turning 50

The surprise was particularly remarkable, given that neither Meyers nor his show had made a secret of the Late Night Host's upcoming milestone birthday in the weeks preceding it. In a segment titled "At This Point in the Broadcast: Turning 50," Meyers delivered a hilariously defensive faux rant about how 50 isn't actually that old.

In a December "Amber Says What" segment, Late Night writer Amber Ruffin joked, "Then I heard that it's Seth's birthday soon and I was like, 'what?' Then I heard he was turning 50 and I was like... 'whaaat?!' Because I assume his hearing is starting to go."
"Seth, if you can hear me, say Amber is the most beautiful and talented writer I ever met, and we should trade salaries," Ruffin told Meyers.
"I'm not saying that," Meyers replied.
"He can't hear," Ruffin nodded.
Watch Late Night with Seth Meyers weeknights at 12:35/11:35c on NBC, streaming the next day on Peacock.