Deal or No Deal Island's 1st Showmance Was Ruined After a Shocking Elimination
Deal or No Deal Island Season 2 officially has its first blindside elimination on the books.
The stakes are high as Deal or No Deal Island continues. And between the nail-biting trips to Temple, a swoon-worthy showmance bloomed between two players in Season 2's January 28 episode.
Players Maria-Grace Cook and Storm Wilson got quite close during their shared time on Banker's Island. The two charming young players connected from the get-go on the boat, with their rivals taking note of their flirtatious rapport. Banker's Island is competitive, and like many showmances, M.G. and Storm's rivals feared that two could be better than one in Deal or No Deal Island's numbers game.
RELATED: Meet the Cast of Deal or No Deal Island Season 2
DONDI's first showmance ended just as it began

"I'm just nervous it's gonna go to sh-t when everyone finds out," M.G. confessed to Storm in the episode. "Because they're going to want to get us out. They're 'gonna want to split us up."
"I think you're thinking a little too into it," Storm comforted her. "I don't think anybody's going to be gunning to remove us."
However, M.G. was onto something. Not only did several players spy on M.G. and Storm's palm tree soirée, but some even voiced concerns about a "Storm" sweeping M.G. out to sea. "Showmance brewing," Dr. Will teased from afar as M.G. and Storm enjoyed breakfast alone on the pier the next day. "Feel the electricity?"
In his private interview, Dr. Will discussed the dangers of a showmance. "I'm always terrified of a showmance because when you see two people meeting up on a show, it means that they are locked together in a super strong alliance," Dr. Will explained. "And it's going to be extremely difficult to break."
While rumors swirled about M.G. and Storm's budding romance, other players grew worried about "The Family" alliance, a powerful unit including Dickson Wong, David Genat, and Parvati Shallow. The Excursion tasked the players with throwing axes at targets to choose which players were the game's biggest and least worrisome threats. M.G. gave Storm a sweet back massage to prep him for his throw, further fueling the flames of their romance.
Dr. Will Kirby won immunity as the Excursion's biggest perceived threat, prompting him to choose an eager Dickson to face the Banker. Dr. Will made a deal with Dickson that he'd send him to the Banker so that if he won, he'd eliminate C.K., a vocal enemy of Will's. It was a strategic negotiation, and once Dickson started playing really well at Temple, it seemed like C.K. was all but ready for her post-elimination interview with Boston Rob.
Dickson broke DONDI records with his good deal against the Banker, banking $5 million for the group, leading Storm and Genat to burst out of their seats joyfully. The Temple brimmed with excitement, but the players got emotional whiplash after Dickson announced his elimination.
"I just want to start off by saying regardless of whether I made a good deal tonight or not, I think you guys are all great people," Dickson told the group. "But I feel like I'm one of those people that came to play. What's best for my game to get me back in — because I do know I made a lot of deals with people and stuff like that — the best chance for me to win this game is to unfortunately take out Storm."
Talk about a collective jaw-drop; no one saw that coming, even host Joe Manganiello was gagged. As M.G. collected her shock, Dickson told a stunned Storm, "I'm really sorry, dude. But at the end of the day, I came to play the season."
It goes without saying, but: These DONDI players need to look out for every member of The Family alliance: they're not afraid to shake things up.