Rainn Wilson—a.k.a. Dwight From The Office—Is Starring in a New Peacock Docuseries
Rainn Wilson and the Geography of Bliss details The Office star's international quest to understand the secret to happiness.

Rainn Wilson, a.k.a. Dwight Schrute from The Office, has a lofty question he wants to answer. What is the secret to joy, and can it be hacked? Well, he's about to find out. Everyone's favorite assistant to the regional manager is taking his hunt for happiness overseas in a new docuseries titled Rainn Wilson and the Geography of Bliss.
The new show documents Wilson as he visits some of the world's most exciting locations with one goal: to discover what makes some of the reportedly happiest countries in the world such joyful places to live.
The series trailer begins with a shivering Wilson about to take a polar plunge into the Northern Atlantic. "What could possibly be happier than a swim in the frozen waters of the North Atlantic?" he teases. "How did I get here? Let's find out."
"I grew up as a big-headed baby in Seattle," Wilson narrates over photos of his childhood and early career. "Eventually, I landed in Los Angeles as assistant to the regional manager [as Dwight in The Office]. Yet, for all my success, you'd think I'd be happier. But like so many others, I struggle to find true joy."
A series of snippets show Wilson interviewing various friends made throughout his travels. Wilson tells a woman that he has an anxiety disorder and that it makes him an incredibly worried person. His anxiety is a driving force for his quest to find happiness.
Thailand, Iceland, Bulgaria, Ghana, and Los Angeles are some of the cities on Wilson's Geography of Bliss itinerary, and it's looking like a whirlwind adventure. His voiceover continues in the trailer, “Happiness is out there, hiding in some of the places you'd least expect. What I want to know is which places? How much of our happiness is a matter of perspective?"
"To understand happiness," Wilson reveals. "I'll need to embrace what comes my way."
To find out what happens on Wilson's quest, watch Rainn Wilson and the Geography of Bliss on Peacock starting May 18.
And while you wait, stream every episode of The Office now on Peacock