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Is Brett Going to Become a Mom on Chicago Fire?

The beloved paramedic has an important revelation in Season 11, Episode 21 ("Change of Plans"). 

By Christopher Rosa
Gallo Gets His Aunt to Safety After Her Car Accident | Chicago Fire | NBC

Brett (Kara Killmer) has always been a nurturer by nature on Chicago Fire. As a medic working alongside Violet (Hanako Greensmith), she's not only technically qualified, she displays a deep level of empathy that makes her patients — old and young — feel comfortable. In fact, Brett is such a bleeding heart that she took her skills on the road with a paramedicine passion project, giving care to Chicago's most vulnerable populations.

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Watch Chicago Fire Wednesdays at 9/8c on NBC and next day on Peacock

That said, what Brett's trying to do right now may be her most selfless act of kindness yet. In Season 11, Episode 20, we watch as Brett and Violet help a teen mom with a complicated pregnancy, Amber, deliver her baby. Thankfully, the birth goes off without a hitch — but something about the baby girl sticks with Brett. 

When Brett and Violet stop by the hospital to visit Amber, she's strangely apathetic towards her newborn — texting on her phone, completely unbothered. So Brett turns her attention to the little girl, at one point adjusting her blanket to make her more comfortable. 

Violet Mikami (Hanako Greensmith) and Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer) gathered around Charlotte (Ava Ryan Barabasz).

It's a small, warm action that Amber notices, and at the end of the episode, she actually drops off her baby to Firehouse 51 — inside the safe haven box Brett purchased. 

Violet and Brett do what they have to do: They turn the baby over to the hospital, where she's looked after for a few days. If Amber doesn't turn up to reclaim custody, the little girl goes into foster care with a temporary family.

Which is exactly what happens. Worried about the baby, Brett stops by the office of the social worker handling her case. When she assures Brett the baby is safe, Brett inquires if the family is only fostering the baby or looking to adopt. That's when she has a revelation. 

Is Brett going to become a mom on Chicago Fire

"What I want is to adopt this baby," Brett tells the social worker.  

Of course, Brett would be a wonderful mom, but the road to adoption is not easy. In fact, the social worker essentially tells her it's impossible. "[The social worker] said it would take months to get approved to adopt," Brett says to Violet in a later scene, seemingly defeated. "Even if I hire a lawyer to fast-track, there are so many parents waiting to adopt a newborn. Amber's baby would get placed in a few days at most, and that's if the family who took emergency custody isn't planning on adopting her, which they probably are." 

Wade (Brian Plocharczyk), Sylvie Brett (Sylvie Brett), Charlotte (Ava Ryan Barabasz), and Lou (Adam Hinkle) gathered together.

Brett doesn't give up easily, though. She pays a visit to the foster parents currently looking after Amber's baby, and they tell her they're not planning to adopt. Then, they offer Brett a pro tip: There's actually a way for her to skip to the front of the line and be the first-choice parent for Amber's baby. 

"There is one way I can cut through the normal adoption process," Brett reveals to Violet. "It's not impossible. Amber would have to be willing to reclaim custody of the baby...If she does reclaim custody, she can then designate me as legal guardian of the baby and, eventually, the adoptive parent." 

Season 11, Episode 21 ends with Brett knocking on Amber's door to talk to her. And in Episode 22, we find out Amber agrees to this request. She’s willing to reclaim custody of her baby girl in order to eventually make Brett the adoptive mother. That’s right: Brett’s becoming a mom!