Violet and Gallo Kissed in the Latest Chicago Fire—But What Does It Mean?
Was it just to help ward off that floater? Or is there something more?

Violet (Hanako Greensmith) and Gallo (Alberto Rosende) have history on Chicago Fire. They were friends, then hooked up, then went back to being just friends when Violet fell head over heels for Hawkins (Jimmy Nicholas)—though that did form a love triangle of sorts.
But any sense of these two getting together came to a screeching halt—rightfully—when Hawkins tragically died earlier in Season 11. Violet was heartbroken, and she needed friends more than ever. Friends like Gallo.
Rosende told NBC Insider that's all Gallo and Violet would be for the foreseeable future. "Romantically, I don’t think Gallo even has that door open anymore right now because of everything Violet's gone through," he said. "Remember, Gallo knew Evan Hawkins, as well. So there's this hole there that wasn’t there before. I think they’re aware of that [loss] and know [healing's] gonna have to continue; it’s a process to work through together. But I think it’s also making us as friends stronger."
Violet is still reeling from Hawkins—on some level, she may always be—but something happened in Season 11, Episode 14 that got Gallo-Violet shippers excited. Granted, the exchange could easily just be Gallo keeping his word and being a protective friend to Violet. However, it also could potentially open the door to something more. Here's what happened:
A floater, Munsell, arrives at 51 to take over for Carver (Jake Lockett), who's called in sick. The crew remembers Munsell from earlier this season...and not fondly. He's annoying, not very good at his job, and—as we soon find out—has a huge crush on Violet. A crush that Violet doesn't reciprocate in any shape or form.
She tells Munsell as such, but he doesn't really back off. As a solution, Gallo suggests Violet tell Munsell that the two of them are an item. That might get Munsell to cool down.
Violet doesn't think she needs to take this advice until the end of the episode, when Munsell approaches her, Gallo, and Brett (Kara Killmer) at Molly's. To make sure Munsell takes the hint, Violet plops a huge kiss on Gallo; the two essentially make out for a few seconds. That's enough to put an end to Munsell's pestering, but what's up with that kiss? Was it just a means to an end? Or may flames be rekindling for Gallo and Violet?
"What just happened?" Brett asks Violet once they're alone.
"Munsell has been asking me out, so it was just...a thing," Violet replies, though she doesn't seem sure of that answer.
To find out what's next for Violet and Gallo, watch Chicago Fire on NBC Wednesdays at 9/8c and next day on Peacock.