20 Hilarious AGT Auditions That Fans Will Never Forget
By the end of this list, you'll be doubled over in laughter.

One of the best parts of watching America's Got Talent is the show's endless ability to surprise its audience; you simply never know which Act will walk on the stage next.
Especially during the Auditions portion of the season, a large variety of talent graces the AGT stage. From angelic singers to larger-than-life acrobatic Acts, the range of performances is limitless. But each season of AGT always showcases a few funny faces that make the AGT Judges and audience cackle. That's right: We're talking about the comic Acts.
Whether that means a stand-up set or a humorous gimmick within an extravagant Act, throughout the show's 17 seasons, there have been countless AGT performers who have excelled at putting smiles on fan faces. That's why we're looking back at some of AGT's most hilarious Auditions ever.
Siegfried & Joy: AGT's Season 17 Magicomedians
Siegfried & Joy had the audiences equally humored and impressed with their comedic magic Act. While the tricks sometimes lacked technical ability, Siegfried & Joy's charisma and comedic charm won over three of the four Judges and had Howie Mandel howling.
Jackie Fabulous had the audience in stitches before even beginning her set
Jackie Fabulous made the audience cackle before she even began her set, but she kept the funny coming for her entire AGT Audition. Talking about weight loss, aging, and social media, Jackie's Act was nothing short of fabulous.
Ben Lapidus got 4 X's, but his "Parmesan Song" is an AGT classic
Sometimes some of the funniest AGT Acts don't make it past the Auditions stage. But that doesn't mean AGT fans will easily forget Season 17's "Parmesan Guy," whose relatable song was a little too relatable for fellow lactose-lovers.
Piff the Magic Dragon subverted expectations and won the crowd instantly
AGT fans are keen to recognize a particular green magical dragon making appearances now and then: the man, the myth, the unforgettable Piff, the Magic Dragon. Serving a boatload of personality with just a dash of magic, Piff quickly became an AGT legend after his first Audition.
The Bella Twins shocked the audience with a uproarious post-Audition brawl
It's not every day that AGT audiences learn that an Act is a secret celebrity. But Season 17 served a double order of humor when AGT: Extreme Judge Nikki Bella and her sister, Brie Bella, shocked audiences with a lackluster Audition that led to a wrestling showdown and a hilariously surprising reveal.
Mr. Pants knocked the pants off the AGT Judges with his punny stand-up
Let's admit it: Sometimes an AGT Act can sell their schtick more easily with a costume. Such is the case for standup comedian Mr. Pants. who instantly impressed the Judges while delivering endless pants-related puns.
AGT Season 6 got to see the hilarious rapping little mascots
Back in the early seasons of AGT, some of the comic Acts were truly over the top. Especially for Season 6's dance troupe of rapping elves pantomiming "Baby Got Back."
Chicken Scratch Sam had the AGT Judges cackling with chicken puns
It's hard to deny the timeless hilariousness of a good pun, and Chicken Scratch Sam certainly committed to his bit while performing eggcellent stand-up during AGT Season 15.
Bearded Drag Queen Scott Heierman ruled the stage with relatable comedy
Heierman instantly made a great impression with the AGT Judges before their stand-up began, talking about all-things adoption, boy scout annoyances, and growing up.
Mr. Moo Shakes had the AGT audience laughing and rocking simultaneously
"Baby Got Back" is a popular song among many AGT Acts, but Mr. Moo Shakes gave a moo-velously humorous performance when he impressed Judges with his drumming abilities while dressed as a cow.
Sethward made the audience roar with his Walrus costume in 2019
Sethward has become a bit of an AGT icon throughout the years, auditioning time and time again as different animals while performing ridiculous stunts. But AGT fans will be keen to remember his walrus Act when the man, or walrus, fell off the stage!
Les Beaux Frères stripped down for some nail-biting comedy
Sometimes shock humor is a great strategy for making a splash on the AGT stage. Such is the case for the funny duo act Les Beaux Frères and their dancing towel Act. They had the AGT audience on the edge of their seats, that's for sure.
Yumbo Dump made hilariously impressive sounds with their bodies in 2018
Sometimes the simplest jokes can be the funniest, and the comedy duo Yumbo Dump definitely brought the funny with their physical comedy while mimicking hyper-specific sounds using their bodies as props.
A high school dance team auditioned as a bunch of Howie Mandels
Serving an equally surreal and humorous dancing Audition, this high school dance team made the audience wail with laughter by dressing up as Mandel. Their dancing was spot-on, but their impression of the comedian is equally jaw-dropping.
Eighty-Year-Old Marty Ross told timeless jokes about aging
You're never too old to cherish laughter, and Marty Ross certainly proved that with his AGT Audition in 2020. Telling numerous stories of aging and life, Ross had the audience in stitches.
Pam and her singing dog Casper performed a duet of "All by Myself"
Singing Acts are always in endless supply during AGT Auditions, but a singing dog? That's definitely worth remembering, especially considering Casper's impressive falsetto during those high notes.
Preacher Lawson performed hilariously relatable stand-up about family input
Lawson's stand-up Act was packed with endless jokes and charisma as he chatted about the annoyances of riding a motorcycle and his loved ones' willingness to repeatedly warn him about crashing.
SNL's Melissa Villasenor started with celebrity impressions on AGT
Villasenor had to get her SNL start somewhere, and she had the audience howling with her spot-on celebrity impressions during AGT Season 6. Her future was written in the stars right there!
Lewberger got AGT Host Terry Crews to take off his shirt with a rousing tribute
Many might recognize Lewberger for their internet fame, but AGT fans will never forget their Terry Crews tribute. The AGT Host was quick and willing to jump on stage shirtless to perform a rousing flute performance.
Kara pulled out endless jokes and an entire cheeseburger and fries from her bra
Many comedy clubs will feature a food menu, but it's pretty rare to see a stand-up comedian who can serve up snacks at the same time as delivering spot-on jokes. Kara pulled out a cheeseburger and ate it while doing a split and even gave the Judges some fries, all concealed within her bra.
Watch AGT on NBC Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 8/7c and next day on Peacock.