Kristen Wiig Became a Five-Timer on SNL with Paul Rudd, Ryan Gosling, and Matt Damon
Despite what Paula Pell and Martin Short say, Wiig's honor IS a huge deal (and Ryan Gosling lint-rolling Wiig's new jacket was a highlight).
The first official induction into Saturday Night Live's Five-Timers Club occurred in 1990, with Tom Hanks introducing the concept in his monologue. Since then, it's become an iconic part of the show's mythology. So when former cast member Kristen Wiig hosted for her fifth time on April 6, 2024, she announced the well-deserved milestone at the top of her own monologue, clearly ready to receive that sweet Five-Timers Club jacket.
But another member of the Five-Timers Club soon stood up to steal Wiig's thunder: Paul Rudd, whose fifth episode came during a COVID resurgence in December 2021 (his lack of induction fanfare has since become a running joke).
"You know, I also heard a rumor you might be doing one of those Five-Timer sketches featuring awesome celebrity cameos," Rudd probed. "Is there, like, a script or something I could look at for that?"
"Oh, sorry," Wiig told a disappointed Rudd. "I don't think we're doing one of those!"
RELATED: Watch Kristen Wiig's SNL Sketches from April 6
But a trickle of celebrity guests quickly turned into a throng during the monologue, featuring Matt Damon (NOT an actual Five-Timer), Martin Short (an SNL four-timer), former longtime SNL writer and Girls5eva star Paula Pell (who'd make a great host!), three-time Host Jon Hamm, and Wiig's former SNL cast mates Fred Armisen and Will Forte. All of them doubled down on the idea that the Five Timer's Club is no longer that big of a deal.
"I think it's so sweet that you're so excited about getting a Five-Timers jacket," Pell told Wiig from her seat in the audience. "But you know, they basically hand those out to everybody like free maxi-pads."
Matt Damon, Paul Rudd, Jon Hamm, and Martin Short induct Kristen Wiig into the Five-Timers Club
SNL two-timer Matt Damon stood up to compliment Wiig, telling her he "grew up watching" her on SNL as Wiig frowned at the nonsensical math in that statement.
When Wiig questioned the provenance of the Five-Timers jacket Damon was wearing, he explained that Lorne Micheals felt his first show "counted for three."
Wiig turned to Michaels for confirmation that it IS still an honor, only to find him surrounded by four more friends in unearned Five-Timers Club jackets: Fred Armisen, Jon Hamm, Will Forte, and Martin Short.
"I LOVE this," Hamm gloated, as Forte pointed out that "together, we've hosted five times."
RELATED: Every Celebrity in SNL's Five-Timers Club, from Buck Henry to Emma Stone
"My jacket's a little small, isn't it?" Armisen asked, yanking down the bottom of his cute crop-top-style version.
"Aw, sweet, so we are doing a Five-Timers sketch!" Rudd said, popping onstage.
It felt like a full-circle moment, given that Wiig had turned up to support Kate McKinnon during her December 16, 2023 episode.
Even Ryan Gosling showed up to lint-roll Wiig's Five-Timers Jacket
As Short, Forte, Hamm, Damon, Rudd, and Armisen joined Wiig onstage to finally give her her flowers, complete with a sweet serenade, the moment was interrupted by Forte yelling, "Oh my God, is that Ryan Gosling?!"
The three-time Oscar nominee looked confused as he put on his new Five-Timers jacket.
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"Are you sure?" the Fall Guy star asked Micheals. "I mean I haven't even hosted three times yet; it seems unfair."
Gosling made good by helping Wiig slip her new jacket on, quickly hitting it with a lint roller. Now THAT's the respect an SNL legend like Wiig deserves.
Watch Kristen Wiig's Five-Timers Club monologue above.
Tom Cruise was the first Five-Timers Club member honored in a sketch
Tom Hanks certainly wasn't the first Five-Timer—that would be Buck Henry; it was common for people to frequently host in the show's earliest years. But the concept of the club was first introduced in Hanks's December 8, 1990 episode.
Wearing the now-familiar robe-like Five-Timers Club jackets, Paul Simon, Steve Martin, and Elliott Gould welcomed Hanks into the wood-paneled club and showed him the secret handshake (a five-tap elbow bump followed by a mutual, "You're great!"). The sketch is also notable for the person working coat check in the club: Conan O'Brien, who was a writer on the show at the time.