11 Photos of Kate and Toby From This Is Us to Cry Over
The end is near for this fan-favorite couple.

This Is Us fans have known for a while now that Kate (Chrissy Metz) and Toby (Chris Sullivan) break up. A Season 5 flash-forward confirmed as much when we saw Kate don a white wedding dress to marry another man: her boss, Phillip (Chris Geere). If you're watching Season 6, you've seen the cracks start to form in KaToby's relationship, and things broke in Episode 11. An incident involving baby Jack led to Kate and Toby's most explosive fight ever, and fans saw just how out of sync they really are. Everything from where they should live to how they should raise their children is a charged topic. The episode ended with Kate saying what viewers have been dreading: that she doesn't think her marriage will survive. And if previews of Episode 12 are any indication, things are only going to get worse.
It's a lot of emotional turmoil for longtime viewers—so to counteract it, we're looking at the happiest photos of Kate and Toby available. Sometimes you just need to see a little sunshine before the rainstorm. These pictures, below, are that sunshine. We'll love you forever, KaToby.
A Kate and Toby park date with baby Jack. (Season 6, Episode 11: "Saturday in the Park")
The love in Kate and Toby's eyes is palpable (Season 5, Episode 13: "Brotherly Love").
Kate and Toby's son baby Jack says hi! (Season 4, Episode 3: "Unhinged")
A kiss on the hand (Season 4, Episode 3: "Unhinged").
A family of two becomes three for Kate and Toby. (Season 4, Episode 1: "Strangers").
A Kate and Toby (KaToby!) cuddle session, but make it formal. (Season 3, Episode 1: "Nine Bucks")
Kate and Toby say, "I do." (Season 2, Episode 18: "The Wedding")
Kate and Toby enjoy the coziest morning. (Season 2, Episode 9: "Number Two")
Kate and Toby standing under the mistletoe, obviously. (Season 1, Episode 10: "Last Christmas")
Kate's smile for Toby, though! (Season 1, Episode 7: "The Best Washing Machine in the Whole World")
Where it all began for Kate and Toby. (Season 1, Episode 2: "The Big Three")
This Is Us airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on NBC. Catch up now on NBC.com.