Kelly Clarkson Eats Doritos in an Unusually Specific Way
The Kelly Clarkson Show Host is a proud "chip licker."
We all have our food quirks. Reba McEntire puts ketchup on ice cream, Ice T has a strong opinion on bagels, and Kelly Clarkson eats Doritos in a very, very specific way.
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Kelly Clarkson licks the dust off of Doritos — and then throws the chip away
On multiple occasions, the 42-year-old singer and talk show Host has talked about how she prefers only licking off the Dorito dust instead of eating the whole tortilla chip.
“I don’t actually like the chip of Doritos,” Clarkson told Sterling K. Brown when he was a guest on The Kelly Clarkson Show in December 2021 as they chatted about their guilty snack obsessions. “I just like the cheese. And this is the weirdest thing ever, I know, but since childhood I’m like, the chips are kind of not my favorite thing. It’s the dust on it and so, if I ever have a little bag of it or whatever, I’ll lick them and I’ll put them in the trash.”
“You’re a chip licker,” the This Is Us star said in astonishment. “Wow!”
“I’m a chip licker,” Clarkson shrugged in agreement. “I just don’t like a chip, really, in general. Chips aren’t my thing. But, boy I love that dust.” When it comes to flavors, Clarkson clarified that she doesn’t mess with Cool Ranch Doritos. “I don’t have time for that,” she told Brown.
Clarkson added that she often has to wait until she’s alone to lick off the Dorito dust because her friends “are so grossed out” by her technique. “It’s a weird thing from childhood,” she said.
“I love your obsession,” Brown told Clarkson. “I love that you own it.”
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Kelly Clarkson showed off the way she eats Doritos on her talk show
Two years later, Brown appeared on The Kelly Clarkson Show once again in December 2023 and surprised Clarkson with a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos. “Yes!” Clarkson shouted as she opened Brown’s gift. “You remembered!”
Brown reminded the audience that “Kelly enjoys Doritos, but not the whole Dorito. She just likes to lick the dust off the Dorito and then throw it away.”
“It’s an addiction,” Clarkson said before showing the audience her Dorito method and getting Brown to try it with her.
“It’s so good,” Clarkson declared as she licked the dust off the tortilla chip. “And then you toss the cookie.”

As it turns out, lots of people eat Doritos like Kelly Clarkson
Clarkson is definitely not the only one who snacks on Doritos this way, though many eat the chip after licking off the dust. Indeed, a survey, per the Leicester Mercury, found that a quarter of participants opt to lick their Doritos before eating the rest of it.
Clarkson’s fans also admitted that they like to partake in this method. “I do the same thing, but I feed the chip to my dog,” one commented on Instagram, while another added, “I thought only I did this!”
“I’m with ya Kelly!” one more said. “That is the best part! Totally 100%.”
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And Clarkson isn’t the only celebrity to admit to licking the dust off. In 2015, Chrissy Teigen told Delish she discards the chip, too. "I lick off the nacho cheese seasoning and put the chips back in the bag,” she said. “You still get all the flavor, not all the carbs!"