Is a New Episode of Brilliant Minds on Tonight (October 14, 2024)
When will we return to Bronx General Hospital for the next case of the week?

Last week, Brilliant Minds upped the emotion with "The Lost Biker," telling the story of a man, Wyatt (Steve Howey), slowly losing the ability to form new memories. So when will we next see a new episode chronicling Dr. Oliver Wolf (Zachary Quinto) and his team's work at Bronx General Hospital?
RELATED: How Brilliant Minds Is Taking Inspiration from This Is Us and Will & Grace Over ER
Read on to find out when Brilliant Minds Episode 4 will air on NBC!
Is there a new episode of Brilliant Minds on tonight (October 14, 2024)?
Yes! Season 1, Episode 4 of Brilliant Minds will premiere on NBC on Monday, October 14 at 10/9c. In the episode, "The Blackout Bride," which you can watch a preview for above, Dr. Wolf takes seeing the world through his patients' eyes to a new extreme...
To see the world like his disoriented patient and find her missing husband, Dr. Wolf has what she's having: an unknown party drug with unknown side effects.
Given that Wolf lives with his own neurological disorder — prosopagnosia, aka "face blindness" — who knows what kind of side effects popping a mysterious pill will have?
As for our other characters, it seems his four interns are gonna be along for the ride after witnessing him take the unknown drug. Half are amazed, and half seem apprehensive.
RELATED: Meet the Brilliant Cast Behind NBC's Medical Drama Brilliant Minds
What happens next? You'll have to tune in to find out more.
"The More You Know" about mental health with Zachary Quinto
This episode will continue Brilliant Minds' exploration of complicated neurological disorders. Wolf, just like the real-life neurologist he's based on, Dr. Oliver Sacks, brings humanity to the often cold, clinical practice of medicine. That's why it's so fitting that the series' star, Quinto, is part of NBC's recent slate of "The More You Know" PSAs, which first started in 1989 and are still ongoing today.
"My particular spot is about mental health which ties really nicely into this show I’m here to promote, Brilliant Minds on NBC," Quinto explained in a recent appearance on The Kelly Clarkson Show.
"But I think mental health is such an important conversation," he continued. "And it’s one that’s become more centered in our mainstream conversations and the stories we’re telling and I’m honored to be a part of the story that’s focusing on it."
You can watch Zachary Quinto's "The More You Know" PSA here.
New episodes of Brilliant Minds premiere on Mondays on NBC at 10/9c and are available to stream on Peacock.