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NBC Insider Chicago P.D.

Watch Benjamin Levy Aguilar Pull Off an Intense One Handed Push-Up—While Wearing Jeans

Aguilar, who plays Torres on Chicago P.D., has trained in Krav Maga since he was 14 years old.

By Jackie Manno
Benjamin Levy Aguilar smiling

Benjamin Levy Aguilar sure knows how to stay in shape!

How to Watch

Watch Chicago P.D. Wednesdays at 10/9c on NBC and next day on Peacock

On March 29, the Chicago P.D. star took to Instagram to give us an inside glimpse of him doing an ultra sweat-inducing workout—and he made it seem easy in the process. 

The clip showed Aguilar equipped with fingerless gloves and black denim. "I'm in jeans 'cause I can do whatever I want," he said after he pulled out a five-gallon water jug and held it in front of the camera, proving his dedication. 

Then, the actor did a series of pushups in rapid succession. To shake things up, he then balanced on one arm and continued the exercise with ease. 

Aguilar is no stranger to pushing his body to the max, as he has extensive experience in martial arts. He has been training in Krav Maga since he was 14, and he worked in security as the Israeli Embassy and at the Guatemalan presidential elections. 

In a Season 10 Episode of Chicago P.D., his character Dante Torres brutally beat a gang member who murdered his neighbor. In an interview with NBC Insider, Aguilar explained what motivates his character's actions.

 "I think that's what makes him a very interesting and very dangerous character, because he's dangerous for the wrong people. He will stand up, whether it is as a police officer or as a person or as a man, to fight for what he believes in or to protect the people he loves. So I think that moment is the broadest version of Torres," he told us. 

Aguilar then dropped some interesting information: the fight scene was improvised. 

Torres Goes Back Undercover to Get Info on Kingpin Morales | Chicago P.D. | NBC

"I didn't plan it," he said. "In that moment, when I did it the first take, it just came at me because you can't fake that. And I say it humbly, but it's been so much training for me that that just literally comes so instinctual to me that it was one of the most natural things I've ever done...It has definitely helped me. It helps me tap into aggression and tap into a lot of things that have come easy to me as an actor because of the intensity of my training and the emotion that is required to practice such a type of self defense."

He also elaborated on what he believes is next for Torres on Chicago P.D. "There's gonna be an episode coming up that is more Torres-based, but the truth is, I don't know anything about it," he said. "I'm just hoping that we continue that story or find different layers. There's so much to talk about, there's so much to dive into. His life is so rich. His childhood is so rich. His background, his future, his past, his present is so rich that there are so many different ways to tell the story. I really don't know what's coming, but I have no doubt that it'll be something gritty and something deep."

Watch Chicago P.D. on NBC Wednesdays at 10/9c and next day on Peacock