LEGO Jurassic Park: The Unofficial Retelling Trailer Puts a New Spin on a Classic Adventure
Get ready for Jurassic Park like you've never seen it before.

As you've probably heard by now, Jurassic Park turned 30 this year, giving Universal Pictures plenty of opportunities to celebrate a landmark birthday for Steven Spielberg's classic adventure film. We've seen theme park activations, new merch, special theatrical revivals, and so much more, all in service to remind us how great this classic story is. But we're not done yet.
In just one week, Peacock will drop a new animated special that promises to show the events of Jurassic Park as you've never seen them before. Get ready for LEGO Jurassic Park: The Unofficial Retelling.
Watch the LEGO Jurassic Park Trailer
As you've probably guessed, LEGO Jurassic Park is in some ways exactly what it sounds like: An adaptation of the film into the world of LEGO bricks, thanks to a partnership between NBCUniversal, Spielberg's Amblin, and of course, The LEGO Group. The 22-minute special promises to bring you all the classic moments you remember, from the first T. Rex attack to that epic first glimpse of dinosaurs on an open plain. So, what makes this an Unofficial Retelling?
Well, as you'll see in the trailer below, the LEGO version comes to us through the eyes of Dr. Ian Malcolm (played by Jeff Goldblum in the original film), one of the scientists who was lucky enough to witness Jurassic Park and live through it. Dr. Malcolm's just a little older now, but he kept a journal of the interesting things that went down back then, and when he finds it in his house one night, he decides to tell us his version of the story, complete with wry observations and, of course, LEGO-driven comedy.
Check out the trailer below:
How to Watch LEGO Jurassic Park
LEGO Jurassic Park: The Unofficial Retelling is set to premiere Oct. 10, streaming exclusively on Peacock, which means you'll be able to sit down and watch it with the family in just one week. If you're looking for something else to do in the meantime, of course, you can go check out all the new LEGO sets dropped this year in honor of the film, from the Jurassic Park visitors center to the Velociraptor pen. Oh, and for extra streaming fun, you can also watch the original classic streaming on Peacock right now.